Work in Progress for National Night Out

Updates will post below

Well, news travels fast! I shared last time that I love to create and donate to my sisters National Night Out events. What I just found out is that some of the residents at the Seniors Complex that Corinne was managing, know some of the residents at the new complex that Corinne was promoted to managing this past fall! Small world, small community, etc. any of these do apply apparently, lol. So, I was apparently the topic of conversation between the complexes. The seniors spilled the beans about the afghan that I donated to their big night this past year.

Corinne let me know that she was approached and asked if her sister would make an afghan for their night this year. On the complex grounds, there are a few seniors who are in wheel chairs and they would like me to make an afghan that would work as a lap blanket while they are in their wheel chairs. As Ado Annie would sing in Oklahoma, “I can’t say no!”. This request so touched my heart, I will most definitely get that lap blanket going for their raffle in August! The only criteria that Corinne requested was that it would be colorful, grrrrr, sometimes I can only shake my head at the vague instructions I work with LMAO!

So, here we go, I was excited to get it started! Time is never my friend, and procrastination was not an option. This tapestry chart was my inspiration…….. Oh and Cor wholeheartedly approved! Please don’t pay any attention to the my feet and my blanket, hehehe.

Off to my yarn stash I hurried. There was a variegated that I fell in love with, had to have, but didn’t know what I would use it for ( go ahead laugh, I haven’t met many skeins that I haven’t liked). It was kismet! That was the impetus for the whole color profile! Whoot, whoot, we’re on a roll now. I still had quite a few balls of scrap solid colors from previous projects to add to the mix. Here is the first square of “Bright Colors”.

After tidying up all the loose strings, a simple border finished it off quite nicely. It’s a start! A really superb start I think too! Cheerful, check; Colorful, check; Corinne approved, check, check! Now to continue to get the squares completed, then decide how to finish this beauty! Cyn

Update March 15, 2024

Well, I got rolling on the lap blanket, to only come to a complete stop! The chart I was so in love with, had a problem. I had hoped to be able to rotate the chart and the pattern would repeat itself for me. Nope! that wasn’t going to work. So, I pulled out the graph paper and made two more charts to get the first four finished.

Now the whole picture was coming together! Hopefully, I will be able to rotate these four charts to keep going. I think this blanket will need to be at least 5 squares by 5 squares. The added edging should give ample coverage and warmth while sitting in a wheelchair! Back to work….. Cyn

About designbycyn

Sonoma County, California ceramic enthusiasts Cyn and Steven Gradek have worked in the clay medium since 1996. They had a retail store where they held classes and provided the essentials for fellow ceramic enthusiasts. The business evolved into producing for other retail outlets and artist. Which quickly grew and they closed the retail storefront and concentrated on the wholesale business. With their 3 children raised and on their own, they had time to pursue their own creativity. Cyn learned how to embroider from her Grandma Cirner at a young age. After that she found sewing, cross stitching, crocheting, well you get the jist, LOL. She hasn't met a craft that she hasn't liked. Blogging was suggested by her youngest daughter, Colleen. At first it was a battle to get her to try it, but eventually Cyn started to enjoy the exercise. The blog on Cyn's website was limiting, so Colleen got her started with Wordpress. Hope you enjoy her Adventures with Creativity!
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1 Response to Work in Progress for National Night Out

  1. Colli says:

    That looks amazing already! Can’t wait to see it completed. They are going to love it!

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