Rehab 101 – On the Healing Road…..

Success is so sweet, no matter what form it comes in!  When I started my Physical Therapy, it was with the understanding that I may not improve very much.  I accepted this, the twist fracture had been severe.  My main goal, as you know, was SLEEP, sleep, and to sleep with out pain.  This goal has been slowly achieved, with this goal came the rest I needed to gain the perspective to move forward with my plan.

My Rehab 101 has been more successful than I ever thought possible!  By setting small goals for myself, I haven’t had the disappointments, set-backs, and depressing weight of failure.  The first goal I set for myself was to be able to use the scissors, seemed very attainable.  My garden and iris had been sorely neglected and it seemed like a good place to start.  That was say a month ago.  I am finally on the last leg of my yard.  I saved the worst for last, my driveway which edges my vegetable garden.


Oh so sad and neglected.  For this part of the yard I needed to be able to use the shears/clippers, much better cutting ability than the scissors.  The mums and peonies needed to be coiffured, such a tangle of weeds, dead branches, and very overgrown.  I wasn’t sure if I had the strength yet to use the clippers, but I was ready to try.

drivewayafterAs the Wizard of Oz says, “Well, Bust my buttons!”  I did it!  I was only able to get 1/3 of this last stretch finished, but Yeah Baby it looks and felt great!  Thank goodness the yard bin was full cause my wrist was screaming with fatigue.

Nature still amazes and teaches me daily.  It gives back what it is given ten-fold and is always grateful for the time spent.  The ability to keep giving me what I needed, even when I wasn’t sure what that was.  Such peace and acceptance is always found in my yard and gardens.  The doctors recommended lots of rests, sleep, and relaxation in order for this fracture to heal.  Well, nature is the epitome of all they recommended, relaxing, restorative, and restful.  Try it sometime and remember it is free!

After my 3rd appointment with the wrist therapist, she was amazed at the progress I had made.  I guess most folks can’t work through the pain to get their mobility back.  Ummm, no problem there, I want to be able to hold a tiny paint brush and an embroidery needle again!   Thanks to my rehab 101, my therapy was extended further.  The more I progress, the longer the therapy will continue.

Seems simple enough and I am motivated.  Now to find the next task to continue my healing process…….. Cyn

About designbycyn

Sonoma County, California ceramic enthusiasts Cyn and Steven Gradek have worked in the clay medium since 1996. They had a retail store where they held classes and provided the essentials for fellow ceramic enthusiasts. The business evolved into producing for other retail outlets and artist. Which quickly grew and they closed the retail storefront and concentrated on the wholesale business. With their 3 children raised and on their own, they had time to pursue their own creativity. Cyn learned how to embroider from her Grandma Cirner at a young age. After that she found sewing, cross stitching, crocheting, well you get the jist, LOL. She hasn't met a craft that she hasn't liked. Blogging was suggested by her youngest daughter, Colleen. At first it was a battle to get her to try it, but eventually Cyn started to enjoy the exercise. The blog on Cyn's website was limiting, so Colleen got her started with Wordpress. Hope you enjoy her Adventures with Creativity!
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